4 Great SEO Tips For Keyword Research For Your Company
Everyone knows how search engines work these days. Someone types in keywords, and the search engine finds websites based on various algorithms. The searcher may type in the keywords, but it’s your job to ensure your website can gain the notice of the search engine. If you don’t have the right keywords used in the right way, the search engine algorithm will pass you by. The process of utilizing keywords to gain the notice of search engine algorithms is called search engine optimization. While the details are sometimes hard to learn, figuring out how to set up basic optimization infrastructure is fairly simple. Search engine optimization isn’t a single process. It’s a term that encompasses a wide variety of tools. That said, the backbone of any SEO infrastructure is intensive research into keywords and keyword uses. Here are four methods that I’ve seen work well. Pick and choose as you feel they most suit your business.
1. Focus On Your Company’s Niche
What is your target market? Have you explored all the interests your target market has? Remember that your target market doesn’t consist of a singular entity. People are vast, they contain multitudes. Do some thorough research not just into groups, but individuals. Then find out how your brand can appeal to those interests. There are several great tools out there to help you do research. If you’re looking for the best, though, look to Moz. Whatever tools you’re using, keep a careful watch of which keywords are bringing in the most traffic. However, don’t miss out on opportunities to bring in a few fringe people when you can. Keep your brand strong, but be open to occasional deviation where it aligns with your mission statement. The balance between keeping your core statement strong while also branching out is difficult. This causes many companies to focus on fewer, stronger keywords and ignore the smaller ones. This is especially tempting if those keywords are working well enough to satisfy. However, if you want your company to grow then you’ll be open to change. Maybe you’re a real estate company with a community festival that happens near locations. You could offer showings during the festival time as a way to let people see the community activities they could participate in. This would allow you to utilize keywords involving many of the festival activities!
2. Content Gap Analysis
While it’s more important to ensure your own company is doing well, keeping an eye on the competition is also a good idea. Your rivals may have found something that’s working well. You could adapt it to your own process. Compare your ranking list to theirs. There are plenty of tools out there that can be helpful. Ahrefs is a good tool for finding your competitor’s top ten so you can gauge if you have those keywords. Make a map of your website’s standing and what keywords it doesn’t have. Mark the ones that have the highest potential draw. This is called a content gap analysis. Remember to perform this content gap analysis on more than just your website in general. Map out the gap in keywords for each individual page. You can even map out backlinks and other linked content. Mapping out these gaps allows you to keep up with your competition, secure your own footing, and if you’re lucky to draw some of their customers to your brand! Pay attention to trends, as well. That will really help you stay on top.
3. Financial Return Measurement
It’s not enough to throw keywords onto your website. That “black hat” SEO tactic is referred to as “keyword stuffing”, and search engines check for that. The way to use the keywords is to build your content around them, and then adjust your content as you see what works. While traffic generation is important, that’s not the most important information you need when you make these adjustments. What you need is the value of each keyword. Inspect each keyword for how much it costs to implement the keyword versus how much you make off of the keyword. As an example, perhaps you run a featured ad. It’s an advertisement that’s designed in such a way as to fit in with your normal content. Because it has to be modified to mimic your site’s content, most companies will charge a fee. If one ad costs $.90 and is viewed by 200 people each day and another costs $1.00 and delivers 400, the latter brings in the better value. However, that’s not the only factor to consider when you’re looking at the value. Out of those visitors, how many of them turn into clients? That is, how many people see the featured ad and then give you money either via your services or the company whose ad you’re running? If 90 out of 100 visitors give you money while only 110 of the 400 visitors do, then the $.90 and becomes a better deal.
4. Upward Keyword Trends
This has been several times, but it’s important enough to merit a section on its own. Pay attention to the trends in keywords. If you can catch a keyword before it explodes, you can get a foot in on the initial explosion. You’ll have already cemented your brand as being associated with the keyword before your competitors even know the keyword is popular. Protoblogger is a great tool for this. It helps you keep a relevant blog that allows you to test keywords. When people like your blog, they tend to like you. If you see something trending, you can make a blog post about it. Suddenly, you’re getting traffic thanks to that trend. This easily works alongside branching out into your customer’s interests. Blog about that community festival, and now people who went to the festival are going to find your blog even if they’ve never heard of you. If you don’t catch the trend early, then your work is useless. After the initial surge of traffic, people move on. If you didn’t attract the immediate attention, then you’re unlikely to see much benefit without further cultivation. Don’t just regurgitate headlines. The market for direct headline repetition is over saturated with sites like Buzzfeed and people sharing things on social media. Pay attention to what terms and topics are picking up. Are people talking about a fast food franchise? Can you base any content on that? However, tread carefully. Nothing turns your brand into a laughing stock more quickly than showing you don’t understand the references you’re making!
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